Ben and April came out for a day of GT Popping and Flats Fishing, and we delivered.
Meet the newest member of "CSSS Big Fish Club" April. With a cracking 30kg fish that inhaled a 200mm stickbait. And she is no fool. Top job April you should be stoked!

It was a pretty consistent days fishing with decent numbers of fish both hitting lures and coming over the side. There were plentyof Red Bass and Coral Trout around in the shallower sections; and Gt's were present when we found concentrations of bait.
Right at the end of the day we found a patch of bait sitting off the edge of an isolated bommie, April through a stickbait at the bait after a couple of cranks on the handle she came up tight. After a good fight on one of our ladies setups, April landed this awesome 30kg GT. Again April congratulations that's an awesome capture.